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BETA3 0511 Release Notes (05 November 2018)

New Features

  1. Added two extra widgets on the dashboard page, in order to display the status of the physical resources.
  2. Updated the network functionality to enable network internal and external routing.
  3. Complete redesign of the Administration page.
  4. User remote support access request has been implemented.
  5. User password change has been implemented.


  1. Updated the network functionality, when creating and editing physical networks.
  2. Improved instance console.
  3. General stability improvements.

In Development - targetted for an upcoming release

  1. Backup and restore of VM data to a remote storage target.
  2. Automated failover of the Sunlight controller service in the event of failure.
  3. Disaster recovery procedure.
  4. NexVisor automatic failover.
  5. NexVisor discovery mode and auto addition to a cluster.
  6. vDisk management.
  7. Manual placement and transfer of VMs between different NexVisor nodes through the UI.
  8. Windows guest support.
  9. Graphical mode console support.
  10. Multi-user support with Role Based Access Control.
  11. Striping of volumes across multiple physical NVMe drives to enable larger volume capacity, as well as enhancing single drive performance to more than 1 Million IOPs.
  12. Increased NIC speed support to 25/50/100gbit. Supported Hardware revisions are planned in 2019 to accommodate faster NIC speeds. Sunlight will be releasing a custom 100gbit/s acceleration card that will significantly enhance virtualised NIC performance.
  13. Online Upgrade Support.
  14. The functionality of restarting nodes through the UI has been implemented.
  15. Multi-LUN aggregation support (creating super LUNs made up of many smaller LUNs that can span physical NVMe drives for increased capacity).

Known Issues

  1. When power cycling the Sunlight cluster, even with a Fault tolerance policy configured, automatic VM start-up is not currently supported when the cluster comes online. The Fault tolerance policy is only currently executed when the controller node stays online.
  2. Failover of network traffic between physical ethernet ports is not currently supported in this beta release. All 10 GBit ethernet ports must be connected for proper product behaviour.
  3. Multi-user and RBAC support is not supported in the beta2.
  4. During the beta3 program all upgrades will require the controller and slave nodes to be powered down. Upgrade/install is performed via the boot configuration option.
  5. It is advised that the maximum number of instances created in a cluster (in one go) is limited to less or equal than 8. An issue related to large scale clusters is currently being investigated.

Breaking Changes

  • N/A