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VM creation

The "normal" users (that includes the "admin" user if required) can create VMs via the SIM dashboard, assuming that the admin user has previously created the appropriate roles, users, the resource groups required and has assigned roles to resource groups.

The option to Create VM is available through the Infrastructure -> Resource Groups page, by selecting the Actions gear icon:

SIM2 create VM

A very familiar screen (similar to the one from the cluster dashboard) appears, that allows users to create a VM via the SIM dashboard, to the respective cluster that the resource group belongs to.

SIM2 create VM

The user should specify the following options:

  1. Select use of cd/iso
  2. Choose from the available distro images
  3. Choose from the available VM flavours
  4. Choose from the available networks
  5. Choose from the available Datastores
  6. Select a PCI device, like a GPU, if one is available
  7. Type in a name and a description

and finally click Create.

The status of the VM creation is deplayed as follows:

SIM2 create VM

As soon as the VM is successfully created , the status is changed to ACTIVE

OTHER VM Actions

There are some additional actions the user is able to perform on a created VM, as presented below:

On premise clusters:

SIM2 VM actions

AWS clusters:

SIM2 VM actions

Delete VM

The following confirmation message appears if you choose to Delete VM:

SIM2 delete VM

If you click on Yes, Delete! the VM will be permenantly removed.

Create Template

The following confirmation message appears if you choose to Create a Template:

SIM2 delete VM

If you click on Yes, create!, a template of the specific VM will be created.

Move VM

By choosing Move VM you are presented with a step wizard, as analysed below:

  1. Choose the target cluster:

    SIM2 delete VM

  2. Choose a resource group for the target cluster:

    SIM2 delete VM

  3. Choose a datastore for the target cluster resource group:

    SIM2 delete VM

  4. Finally, you must choose a network for the target cluster resource group:

    SIM2 delete VM

If you click on Apply the process of moving the VM from the initial cluster to the target cluster will be initialised.

Show Credentials

If you need to view the default login credentials of a VM that has been created, select the Show credentials option through the Actions gear icon:

SIM2 VM show credentials

Associate IP(s)

In order to associate a public IP to a VM that has just been created, we need to assign some IP(s) to the cluster node that hosts the VM.

Navigate back to the clusters view, and select Allocate IP(s) through the Actions gear icon:

SIM2 allocate IP

You need to choose how many IPs to allocate:

SIM2 allocate IP

You can verify that the IP(s) have been appropriately allocated:

SIM2 allocate IP

Next, returning to Resource groups and the specific VM, you can choose to assign a specific IP to a specific virtual network for that VM:

SIM2 allocate IP

You can verify that the IP(s) have been allocated successfully, by monitoring the cluster available IP(s):

SIM2 allocate IP

Additionally, you can login to the VM via its public IP, by using the VM credentials

SIM2 allocate IP

Disassociate IP(s)

The exact opposite actions can be performed when you need to dissasociate an IP from a VM:

SIM2 dis VM IP

You can verify that the IP(s) have been dissasociated from the VM, by reviewing the cluster available IP(s):

SIM2 dis VM IP