Factory Reset
A factory reset is a software restore of a virtual machine to its original system state, by erasing all of the data stored on it's root Vdisk. The VM will goes into its pristine state, keeping all the initial configuration. The data of the VM extra disks will remain.
The factory reset is available on the Virtupian and the SIM UI.
Usage of Factory reset, in the Virtupian UI
The process to activate and apply the factory reset from the Virtupian UI is the following:
Step 1
Create a VM with "Enable Factory Reset" parameter enabled:
Reset the VM to its initial state, by executing the "factory reset action":
Confirm the "factory reset action":
Usage of Factory reset, in the SIM UI
The process to activate and apply the factory reset from the Virtupian UI, is similar to the Virtupian UI.
Step 1
Create a VM with "Enable Factory Reset" parameter enabled:
Step 2
Reset the VM to its initial state, by executing the "factory reset action":