Connect to VNC Console
You can connect to an instance by a VNC console. Please select the desired instance.
In the overview tab, click on the "Show" button in order to view the instance's credentials.
A pop-up window will appear on the screen, displaying the username and the password, as illustrated in the following image.
Select the "Console" tab, as shown in the picture below and use the provided credentials to connect to the instance.
Click "Connect" in order to connect to the console.
You can view the details of the VNC IP by hovering the mouse cursor over the "?" sign in the Instance details information area, as depicted below
A message is displayed, informing the user on whether the console of an instance is reserved by another user, as displayed in the following image.
In case you are using a windows instance, select Ctrl+Alt+Del to connect to the VM, as shown in the following image.